David Cameron admits he has ‘battled’ to quit smoking with ‘relative success’

The Prime Minister said: “Certainly as somebody who has been through this battle a number of times, eventually relatively successfully, lots of people find different ways of doing it and certainly for some people e-cigarettes are successful.
“I think we do need to be guided by the experts. We should look at the report from Public Health England but it is promising the see that over all, one million people are estimated to have used e-cigarettes to help them quite or have replaced smoking with e-cigarettes completely.
“So I think we should be making clear that this is a very legitimate path for many people to improve their health and the health of the nation.”

2.6 million people in the UK are currently using e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking, and still they have not been licensed or backed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) or the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice).
Public Healths report even claims that Ecigarettes are 20 times less harmful than tobacco cigarettes.
During an appearance at PMQs in 2011, David Cameron also stated: “I certainly support No Smoking Day and, unlike in some previous years, I hope to meet its requirements in full.”

Other reports from our government regarding ecigarettes can be found here
