Take up vaping and you’ll get more time off work

If it’s a pick between vaping an e-cig or cigarettes, e-cigs are obviously the way forward – reason being, they’re nowhere near as likely to make you ill and die years before your time.

If you’re already puffing on an e-cig then today is your lucky day!
According to Vice, Firms are now being told to set aside a room for their staff so they can smoke their e-cigs at work, as well as giving them extra work breaks to fulfil their vaping needs. Basically, for smoking e-cigs rather than cigarettes, you’re being rewarded with something everyone universally desires. To slack at work without any fears of punishment.

New official guidelines from government’s watchdog Public Health England now tell employers to make vaping a “more convenient option” in hopes that it might help employees give up cigarettes. Workers shouldn’t be forced to vape outdoors, says the advice, because that would “undermine their ability to quit smoking”. And because e-cigs give you a smaller nicotine hit, users should be allowed extra breaks for “frequent top-ups”.

Public Health England says proper smokers require only “one cigarette every hour or so, and in a short space of time” to achieve the blood nicotine level they crave. In contrast, “Vaping provides a generally lower blood nicotine level and takes longer to reach a desired level. This difference should be taken into account, particularly when developing policies for workplaces.”

So nub out that cigarette and start vaping today for the chance of having more time off work!