Ottowa Public Health is the latest Canadian health group pushing for an e-liquid ban in order to ‘save the children‘ and wrongly claim vapour can give you cancer.
As I’ve said many times there’s a slow – but growing – rumbling of opposition to the current laws on vaping in the country, and now OPH says it’s worried about a ‘teen vaping crisis‘.
Sounds worryingly familiar.
The OPH bases its call to ban flavours on a study it carried out recently which they say shows 23% of kids in Ottawa have ‘tried‘ an e-cigarette, and that 48% ‘mistakenly‘ believe vaping is safer than smoking.
Yeah, I know the kids have got it right those bumbling health officials have got it wrong – very wrong – vaping IS considerably safer than smoking.
What stands out and what shows the Canadian ‘kids are alright’ is the drop in youngsters trying a lit cigarette showing just 6% smoked at some level in the past year.

This hasn’t stopped OHP who are now calling for a ban on flavours to ‘clampdown’ on companies targetting children.
Marino Francispillai – the head of community mental health and wellness said:
You’ve got a product that is tasting like cherries and root beer and strawberries being sold, and youth are picking it up.
It’s become a bit of an epidemic at this point.
It still has harms because you’re inhaling particulate matter, and some of that particulate matter is carcinogenic.
It’s our role to make sure we keep the products that are not safe out of the hands of youth.
We wouldn’t hesitate to say we don’t want a bottle of whisky in their hands, but we’ve got vape products in their hands right now.
Oh my – the ignorance is strong with this one!
For a start off you can’t have a ‘bit‘ of an epidemic, that’s just silly.
And secondly as I’ve already said, there’s no evidence whatsoever that vaping causes cancer.
I could go on, but you get my drift. Another day and another set of scaremongering BS from those who should know better.
Canadian based vape advocacy groups need to start gearing up right now, because this is how it began in the US.