Welcome vapers to our all new range by creators VJuice…..the award winning ROK’D range! An amazingly accurate flavour range true to the classic beach holiday, sticks rock candy!

We currently have 2 of the 4 of this range in stock (more to follow) and these are the amazing Humbug with Cream, which as the name suggests is a incredible, and almost completely unrefined Humbug Mint resting on a silky blanket of cream.
We also have the fabulous ROK’D Pineapple with Cream. If you thought that Pineapple and cream couldn’t be blended together, think again. This eliquid hits that anilin the head dead squarely. An amazing vape, but not over powering.

We are currently having an introductory offer on this eliquid range with 100ml shortfills for only £13.Go ahead and load these bad boys into your cart now!

Vvapour have been established as one of the vape industries longest running providers of quality eliqiuds, merchandise and information since 2011, and trading since 2012. We can help anyone from seasoned capers, to those starting out and wanting to kick the habit of traditional smoking. Get in touch for any information and advice o anything vape related. Either email us on:
or call us on:
0121 272 7132
or you can also live chat us on the website (lower left chat box icon) between 9am and 5pm.
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And dont forget to try some of other fabulous ranges Vvapour currently have on our online shelves!