The Berserker Mouth to lung (MTL) Rebuildable Atomizer (RDA) made in collaboration with Alex from VapersMD, a dynamic mouth-to-lung rebuildable squonking RDA with user-friendly build deck and interchangeable internal airflow slots. The build deck implements a two-post, single terminal design where coil leads are placed under the flat-head screws and properly top-secured.
Like most MTL structures, the airflow system is quite important. Interchangeable air-slots with six different type of sizes ranging from a 3.1 mm by 0.5ohm, triple 1 mm air-slots, and single 1.2 mm|1.4 mm|1.6 mm|2 mm air-slots. The exterior airflow integrates six laser-etched airflow holes for a wide range of adjustments.